Advisory services

Empowering sustainable economic growth

Our Advisory team offers a unique and highly valuable consulting service, which sets us apart from our traditional engineering peers.

Our team focuses on the leading edge of global market developments, particularly the technical / critical metals and mid-stream chemicals that are key to advancing our energy future.

The Advisory brings together the collective knowledge of over 50 feasibility studies, spanning 12 commodities and commanding a capital expenditure of more than USD$10 billion in technical metals alone.

We have proudly aligned our operations and objectives with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a special focus on Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.

This commitment is evident in our approach to evaluating and identifying sustainable economic projects that not only span technology and materials supply chains but also encompass critical sectors like energy, water, and infrastructure. Our scope is not limited to resources; it extends to integrating sustainable practices across all projects to ensure they contribute positively to economic growth while respecting the planet and the people.

Advisory services

Our Advisory Services go beyond technical consultations to cover critical non-technical aspects essential for a project’s success, including strategic market reports that offer deep insights into competitive positioning and optimal strategic placements within the supply chain.

Due Diligence

Our Due diligence mandates cover:
  • Project level technical, market and economic due diligence.
  • Joint venture milestone validation.
  • Independent financial modelling and scenario analysis.
  • Supporting analysis for project / company valuation.
  • Strategic market reports.

Highlight on Strategic Market Reports

Strategic market reports are a Wave signature offering that delves into the heart of a company or project’s competitive edge. It involves evaluating the relative strengths of a company or a project and evaluating it’s optimal strategic position in the supply chain. These are not typical commodity market reports and cover topics such as identifying product and product mix (concentrate / intermediary / value added chemical), investment entry point / investment target identification, and competitor analysis.

Owner’s Engineer / Representation

In specific circumstances, our advisory team may be mandated to fulfill the critical role of an owner’s engineer or representative. Such mandates can include:

  • Oversight / observation following due diligence / of deployment of capital.
  • Shareholder representation at a project / joint venture level.
  • Independent technical representative / subject matter expert acting for the owner.

Technology Evaluation and Commercialisation

Our Advisory team is deeply entrenched in the development of new process technologies within the technology metals sector. With a credentialled team of individuals, including some individuals boasting up to 40 years of experience in R&D, we support technology development through the following mandates:

  • Technology readiness level (TRL) assessments.
  • Independent technical reviews.
  • Design and delivery of development test work programs.
  • Scale up risk evaluation.
  • Development and operation of pilot and demonstration plants.

We have been involved in the development of numerous new process technologies for metals such as lithium, graphite, vanadium and high purity alumina.

Process Development, Simulation and Verification.

Our advisory team carries highly specialised process modelling capability. Whilst providing the relevant process modelling inputs to support the technical development of feasibility studies, this skill set is also deployed under discrete mandates to support clients on the following:

  • Flowsheet development and testwork program management / delivery.
  • Independent process validation.
  • Process simulation modelling and process optimisation.
  • Energy balancing and inputs to LCA.

Financial Modelling and Economic Evaluation

Our team of analysts are specialists in developing project level cash flow models, allowing evaluation of key financial metrics for a project.
Our financial models are designed to:

  • Align to a globally recognised structure.
  • Facilitate efficient evaluation of multiple scenarios.
  • Provide automated sensitivity analysis, and evaluation of risk events.
  • Generate data outputs which can be used by financial advisors for various financing analysis.

We have provided models that have withstood the most rigorous of independent audits by the global finance community, catering to large scale and technically complex projects.

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